Join Scout Troop 109
Come to One of Our Meetings!![]() Considering which Scout Troop to join is an important step in introducing your child to Scouting or helping them continue on with their Scouting journey! A Parent's Guide for Visiting Scout Troops (PDF) Troop 109 welcomes you to come check out one of our meetings, as well as to come camping with us! Join us any Tuesday Night, 7:00-8:30 PM (except the first Tuesday each month. We meet at Fishers United Methodist Church, located on the southeast corner of 116th Street and I-69. 2021-22 Arrow of Light Invite Nights:
2023 Camping Trips: -March 25-27 Introduction to Backpacking- Shades State Park -April 22-24 Monon District Central Section Spring Camporee- Ransburg -May 13-15 Cope Course- Ransburg -June 10-12 Mountain Biking- Brown County State Park -July 10-16 Summer Camp- Ransburg -August 19-21Three Dune Challenge- Indiana Dunes National Park -September 16-18 St. Louis City Museum/ Warren Levis Scout Camp -Oct 23-25 Monon District Central Section Fall Camporee -November 18-20 Rock Climbing/ Rappelling - Red River Gorge -Dec 2-3 Troop Lock-In After visiting with us we, our hope is that your child remains active in Scouting and will make the important decision to "Cross Over" from Cub Scouts to Scouts. Contact us to discuss your plans to visit our Troop, as well as to schedule our Order of the Arrow team for your Crossing Over Ceremony at your Blue & Gold banquet this winter. For more information and to schedule a visit, contact: Heath Gorenflo Webelos to Scouts Coordinator [email protected] |
Joining Troop 109 is as easy as 1-2-3!
Involved Parents = A Great Experience for the Scouts
Parents wishing to get involved need to complete a BSA Adult Application, as well as applicable training.
- Adult Leaders interested in becoming an Assistant Scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselor or Troop Committee
member complete and turn in the BSA Adult Application, “Local Council Copy” AND “Unit Copy”. - Training - Youth Protection is required to be a registered adult in the Troop.
Start your training quest here: - Adults who join as Assistant Scoutmasters will need to complete additional training.
Establish your Training profile at the website, same as above, and
complete online training, as well as register for classroom and outdoor training.